Nässig, The Saturniidae of Sumatra (Lepidoptera). With two Appendices.
Nässig, The Saturniidae of Sumatra (Lepidoptera). With two Appendices.
Nässig, Wolfgang Alexander: The Saturniidae of Sumatra (Lepidoptera). With two Appendices. Heterocera Sumatrana, 10. Sprache. englisch. Göttingen, Verl. der Heterocera Sumatrana Soc., 1996. 24 cm. 174 Seiten, zahlr. Ill., Farbtafeln, Karte. Broschur. Softcover, sehr gutes Exemplar. Heterocera Sumatrana, 10. Enth.: Appendix 1: The preimaginal instars of some Sumatran and South East Asian species of Saturniidae, including general notes on the genus Antheraea (Lepidoptera) / W. A. Nässig, R. E. J Lampe & S. Kager. Appendix 2: Antheraea (Antheraea) diehli Lemaire discovered on Nias Island, with notes on the eggs and a rearing attempt. – Literaturverz. S. 158 – 167
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